Apr 6, 2018

Benefit of quitting social media

  • Negatives:
    • Constant 'hum-of-stimuli' is detrimental to the loss of concentration/focus on work
    • Carefully curated positive news from others causes depression/low self-esteem
  • Positives:
    • Work with intensity can help accomplish more with regular time (8am-5pm). Personally I have tested this during summer'2017 at ARL.
    • Outside of work will be peaceful. Example: reading hardcover book without constant hum-of-stimuli and depression from fake social world.
  • Myth debunked:
    • Not visible to the world. Not true. If you can do something good (deep work) people will find you from the web.
Reference: Cal_Newport:_why_you_should_quit_social_media?
Reference: another couple quit facebook/instagram

Personal experience for quitting Facebook:
  • This-is-your-brain-off-facebook 
    • More in-person time with friends and family. (Negative)
    • Less political knowledge, but also less partisan fever. (Positive)
    • A small bump in one’s daily moods and life satisfaction. (Positive)
    • And, for the average Facebook user, an extra hour a day of downtime. (Positive)
  • "How much is a month’s access to photos, commentary, Facebook groups, friends, and newsfeeds worth? On average, about $100, the study found, which is in line with previous analyses."
  • "She and her fellow abstainers all had access to Facebook Messenger throughout the study. Messenger is a different product, and the research team decided to allow it because it has similarities with other person-to-person media services."

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