Reference: 3DCV_svd_000.pdf
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
Updated note (03/10/21):
Relationship with Polar Decomposition
- A Polar Decomposition decomposes any matrix A into an Orthogonal matrix Q and a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix P.
- A = Q P
- Figure: if we apply only P or only Q on the object
- Q is an orthogonal matrix (rotation/reflection)
- rotated around the origin with some angle but no shear or scaling
- P is symmetric positive semi-definite matrix
- scaling in a different set of orthogonal bases but no rotation
- Spectral theorem says P can be decomposed into orthogonal matrix and a diagonal matrix
- P = VDV'
- Geometrically it means, P will do a scaling (non-negative and non-uniform D) along some orthogonal set of axes (ie, a set of eigen vectors V').
- A = Q (VDV')
= (QV) DV'
= UDV'
- U = QV, so U is also orthogonal since multiplication of two orthogonal matrix is another orthogonal matrix
- This is singular value decomposition. It applies following three operations sequentially:
- rotation (V') --> axis-aligned scaling (D) --> another rotation (U)
SVD with Eigen-Decomposition relationship:
- Eigen decomposition can be applied when a matrix is diagonalizable, eg, any symmetric matrix can be diagonalized into a set of eigen basis vectors
- A = UDV'
A'A= (UDV')'(UDV')
= VD'U' UDV'
= VD'(U'U)DV'
= VD'(I)DV'
= VEV'
So the orthonormal basis vectors [nxn] matrix can be estimated by Eigen-decomposition of [nxn] symetric matrix A'A. Only difference is the singular values of original matrix A are now square root diagonal matrix E
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