Mar 21, 2012

Superimposing points, lines over image in Matlab

plot(x_c, y_c, '.');
line_x = [x_c - round(w_c/2), x_c + round(w_c/2), x_c + round(w_c/2), x_c - round(w_c/2), x_c - round(w_c/2)];
line_y = [y_c - round(h_c/2), y_c - round(h_c/2), y_c + round(h_c/2), y_c + round(h_c/2), y_c - round(h_c/2)];
line(line_x, line_y, 'LineWidth',1,'Color',[.8 .8 .8]);

Other reference

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    "Let them hate me, so that fear me" - Caligula 41AD