Feb 2, 2012

RGBDemo installation error on MacOSX

I was installing from the source in my machine following the specified steps:
KinectRgbDemoV6 installation instructions

At first I was stuck on the following problems for a while:
:RGBDemo-0.6.1-Source areza$ build/bin/rgbd-viewer
dyld: Library not loaded: libXnVNite.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/../RGBDemo-0.6.1-Source/build/bin/rgbd-viewer
Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap 

I just moved into the bin directory and run the executable from there. It worked.

Now, it gives me following error:
[DBG] "[Kinect 28bba00] connecting"
[DBG] "[ERROR] Cannot enumerate devices. failed: Can't create any node of the requested type! " terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ntk::exception' what(): void ntk::OpenniDriver::checkXnError(const XnStatus&, const char*) const: Error in OpenniGrabber.
Abort trap
I found out that it is a common problem when the device (Kinect) is not connected.

Other libfreenect errors: Reference 1Reference 2.

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