- unique
- intersect
- load: load the mat file into the workspace.
- ind2sub: Subscripts from linear index
- matlab-remove-all-unwatned-elements-in
- NaN: The IEEE floating point format used by most modern computers supports values that are "not a number". These values are called NaNs. "Not a number" values result from certain operations which have no meaningful numeric result, such as zero divided by zero or infinity divided by infinity.
- cond: Condition number with respect to inversion
- graythresh: Global image threshold using Otsu's method (In my experiment, otsu algorithm gave me the same image as produced by the manual trial and error. :))
- bar: Plotting bar chart.
- line: plotting a sequence of points by connecting two consecutive of them by a straight line.
- floor: rounding the floating point number into an integer.
- colfilt: Performing sliding neighborhood and distinct block operations columnwise, when possible, can reduce the execution time required to process an image.
- nlfilter: Non-linear filter. Filter that uses mean, median, std. dev, non-max suppression etc.
- bitwise OR or "|": A | B performs a logical OR of arrays A and B and returns an array containing elements set to either logical 1 (TRUE) or logical 0 (FALSE). An element of the output array is set to 1 if either input array contains a non-zero element at that same array location. Otherwise, that element is set to 0. A and B must have the same dimensions unless one is a scalar. C = OR(A,B) is called for the syntax 'A | B' when A or B is an object. Application when did the A2 = W2' | W2; to construct the adjacency matrix of super-pixels.
- genpath: GENPATH Generate recursive toolbox path.
P = GENPATH returns a new path string by adding all the subdirectories
of MATLABROOT/toolbox, including empty subdirectories. restoredefaultpath;
addpath(genpath('.')); - csvread: reads comma separated data. Data in the input file needs to be separated by comma.
- scatter: plots data in scattered manner.
- patch: draws a polygonal shape specified by coordinate of some points.
- strfind: strfind(y,'xc') returns 1 if exist; and [] if doesn't.
- save: save('/tmp/train.mat', 'B');
Warning: Variable 'B' cannot be saved to a MAT-file whose version is older than 7.3. To save this variable, use the -v7.3 switch.
>> save('/tmp/train.mat', 'B', '-v7.3'); // the variable is more than 2GB so -v7.3 options were required for that. - cat: cat(3,a,b,c) concatenate a,b,c along the third dimension.
- permute(imread(filename),[2 1]); // transforming a WxH into HxW image
Dec 19, 2011
Matlab functions that that I used
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