Sep 1, 2011

Java using eclipse in windows

I run java program in Mac environment from the command prompt. When I started working on java using eclipse in windows environment I encountered with an error: unbound classpath container: JRE system library in windows
It is because the JRE library was not added to the project.
Step 1: Go to the "New" drop-down menu
Step 2: Chose "Java Project" option
Step 3: A pop-up window will come. In the "JRE" subwindow, select the option "Use an execution environment JRE".
Step 4: If it is not configured, click on the "Configure JREs".
Step 5: Another window will pop up. Show the path of the jre (e.g., C:\Program Files\Java\JDK_3.6.1\jre\)
Step 6: Complete the remaining step of the project creation (Project name, hit the finish button)
Beginners java program using eclipse

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