Jun 27, 2010

Prince William and I

Sometime I feel myself akin to Prince William. We were born on the same year 1982. On top of that Prince William is the son of King(supposedly in the future) Charles. I am the son of King (not adhering to any kingdom rather than by the name 'RAJA', which means in bengali 'the king') Eklimur Reza Raja. May be there are some other resemblance between us (who knows). Forget about it. I am just kidding.

This is a story of my childhood when I was first introduced to the British Kingdom through the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. We used to live in my aunt's(paternal) house at Dhanmondi, Dhaka. My aunt had a trip to the Europe during that time( around early 80s). They brought a box from England. The box had a printed picture of Prince Charles and Princess Diana on their wedding around it. May be I used to ask my father about that picture and my father replied me back about Charles and Diana. Or may be my father used talk about them since Prince William, first son of Charles and Diana, was born on the same year I was born. Or may be he always wanted me to know about the world, about the history like my grandfather who always encouraged the historical discussion.

As I was gazing through the internet, I felt to explore about the the British Kingdom.
Specifically how Prince William endowed with the right to such veneration from the world since his childhood. Here is the story I gathered:

1. Prince William <-------- Prince Charles

2. Prince Charles <-------- Queen Elizabeth II

3. Queen Elizabeth II <-------- George VI
(Second child of George V)

4. George VI <-------- Edward VIII
(First child of George V)

Edward VIII <-------- George V

5. George V <-------- Edward VII

6. Edward VII <-------- Queen Victoria

7. Queen Victoria <-------- William IV(Children Charlotte and Elizabeth died)
(Grandchild of
George III through
his fifth child
Prince Edward)

King William IV <--------- King George IV
(third child
of George III)

8. King George IV <--------- King George III
(first child of
George III)

(9. King George III son of Prince Friedrich who died before adhering to the throne)
10. King George III <--------- King George II
(Grandchild of
George II through
his first child
Friedrich died
before George II)

11. George II <--------- George I (1660-1727)

Reference :
Kingdom of Great Britain

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