Jan 29, 2009

Updating the profile file in /etc folder with new environment variable values

If I am not administrator then some ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES path values that I changed will not remain intact after I restart my computer. So Here is procedure to save it so that each time I restart computer I don't have to set the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES in command prompt.
Suppose I am setting the path variable MAGICK_HOME for image magick API.

export MAGICK_HOME="/Users/reza/Desktop/Image-Magick-6.4.8" // location in my computer :)
export PATH="$MAGICK_HOME/bin:$PATH"

Now, go to the folder /etc. It contains a file named profile.
Open it with vi.


vi profile

Then paste the above code and save it.
After saving in the profile file then path variables will retain the values inserted.

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