Oct 31, 2008

Forms and html

While TA ing CS164 and SE101:

(meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
(title>Form Template
(script language="JavaScript">

/*function ProcessVerse(para1,para2){
var result = "Where have all the " + para1 + " gone? \n Long time passing."
result = result + "Long time ago. \n"
result += "Where have all the " + para1 + " gone? \n"
result += "Gone to " + para2 + ", everyone. \n"
result += "When will they ever learn? \n"
result += "When will they ever learn? \n"
return result

function Process(para1,para2) {
//var result = ProcessVerse(para1,para2)
var result = "Where have all the " + para1 + " gone? \n Long time passing."
result = result + "Long time ago. \n"
result += "Where have all the " + para1 + " gone? \n"
result += "Gone to " + para2 + ", everyone. \n"
result += "When will they ever learn? \n"
result += "When will they ever learn? \n"
return result
//this.form.output.value = result

(/head>(body bgcolor="lightsteelblue">

(h1>Sample Form:(/h1>

(b>objects(/b>: (input name="input" size="50" type="text">
(b>destination(/b>: (input name="input2" size="50" type ="text">
(b>Output(/b>: (textarea name="output" rows="20" cols ="40" onblur="blurHandlerRouting" type="text">(/textarea>
(input value="Process Input" onclick="output.value = Process(this.form.input.value,this.form.input2.value)" type="button">


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