Jun 30, 2011

Name of the Angles

Know the angle type in Bengali but always confused when comes the english name.
Here it is. There should be no more confusion.

Jun 21, 2011

Fancy Words

Hands down: Easily and decisively. This word came from horse race where the jockey slows down when a win seems propitious 

indicating a good chance of success.

Schadenfreude: pleasure (derived by someone) from misfortune of others


Platonic: intimate and affectionate but non-sexual (wrt. relationship).
                 theoretical but not leading to action (wrt. idea)

man with strong sexual desires, pervert. a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior.

Name of an entity:

  • Epithet: an adjective or short phrase which is used as a way of praising or criticizing someone; 
    • Richard "The Lion heart"
    • Suleiman "The Magnificent"  
    • In Arabic, similar concept exists.  Laqab: Laqab is Al Farooq/Al Siddique/Saifullah etc
  • Sobriquet: a humorous name that people give someone or something; a humorous epithet
    • Vlad "The Impaler" 
    • In Arabic, similar concept exists.  Kunya: Abu Hurayra (Father of cats), Abu Jahl (Father of ignorance)
  • Moniker: plain nickname, an informal label, often drawing attention to a particular attribute. Hoosier is a moniker for an Indiana resident

  • Eponymous: is the name of a person after which a particular place, tribe, era, discovery, or other item is named or thought to be named




 Epigram, limerick

  • Epigram: pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever and amusing way. Sometime close to sarcasm if used in sarcastic way, sometimes express paradoxical expression eg,
    • "Little strokes Fell great oaks." — Benjamin Franklin 
    • "What is an Epigram? a dwarfish whole, Its body brevity, and wit its soul." — Samuel Taylor Coleridge 
  • Limerick: A humorous, frequently bawdy, verse of three long and two short lines rhyming AABBA, popularized by Edward Lear


Move into another place

  • Emigrate is from the point of view of the departure. Think exit. 
  • Immigrate is from the point of view of the destination. Think come in. 
  • Migrate is all about the moving animal, people for a period of short or permanent. Think move.

Insitu, invivo, invitro

  • In situ:   in its original/actual position 
  • In vivo:  process takes place inside a living organism 
  • In vitro: the process takes place outside of living organism (test tube, lab, etc)


Clear someone from blame

  • Exculpate:  relieve someone from blame
  • Vindicated:  clear (someone) of blame or suspicion. Show or prove to be right, reasonable, or justified.
  • Exonerate: clear someone of blame (esp. of an official body)
  • Absolve: clear someone from blame for a fault or wrongdoing after due consideration of the case
  • Excoriate: criticize someone instead of praising
  • Manumit: release from slavery

Stoic, sanguine, deadpan, inexorable, unabashed

  • Stoic A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. Bangladesh rock group Stoic Bliss 
  • Sanguine: Positive or optimistic even in difficult/tough moments.
    • Sanguinary: causing bloodshed
  • Deadpan: deliberately impassive (not showing emotion)
  • Inexorable: impossible to stop or prevent: "the inexorable march of technology" 
    • Exorable: capable of being moved or persuaded
  • Unabashed: not ashamed or embarrassed (prime example Khabib or Muhammad Ali for their faith)

Praiseworthy qualities

  • Razzmatazz: A flashy action or display intended to bewilder, confuse, or deceive. 
  • Vintage: denoting wine of high quality: "vintage claret". Wine. "Bowlers came back with a vintage bowling display." 
  • Incandescent:  (full of strong emotion), (passionate) (also means --> emitting light as heated) 
  • Flair: A special or instinctive aptitude or ability for doing something well. 'Stylishness and originality'. "Brian Lara is a flair to watch." 
  • Suave: Elegant, charming, displaying smoothness and sophistication in manner or attitude, urbane. Synonym could be 'debonair'. "Mark Nicholas, a suave personality, will be conducting the discussion." 
  • Blandishment: A flattering or pleasing statement or action used to persuade someone gently to do something. Vignette: A brief evocative description, account, or episode. Portray. "For Amir, to stand out against the blandishments of his captain would have been hard."
  • Swashbuckling: flamboyantly reckless and boastful behavior. "The swashbuckling opener Tamim failed miserably to Zimbabwean rocky pacer Vitori."
  • Scion: A descendant of a notable family. 
  • Staid: Sedate or calm, not hurried. 
  • Constancy: quality of being faithful and dependable.
                        quality of being enduring and unchanging.
                        stability - steadiness - permanency - permanence
  • Multifarious: many and of various types, 'multifarious talent people are born with ...'
  • Prolific: producing abundantly, (wrongly used it for a Sazzat even though he writes well but not producing a copious amount of writing)
  • Poise: (a) be or cause to be balanced or suspended.
               Zidane poised for returning to  RM.
               The dancer was poised on one foot.

               (b) Graceful and elegant bearing in a person.
               Poise and good deportment can be cultivated.
  • Coruscating: flashing, sparkling. Brilliant or striking in content or style
    Clarke was more reticent to speak about his own unfinished innings, coruscating as it has been.
  • Filial Piety: respect for ones parents, elders, and ancestors. 
    • Wayes demonstrated filial piety



Derogatory qualities:

  • Phony: fraudulent or not genuine
    • X is a phony. -- Trump 
  • Rudimentary: very basic level, immature, undeveloped.   
    • Rudimentary intelligence of the man/woman.
  • Naive: Showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment:   
    • the rather naive young man had been totally misled
  • Ponderous: Slow and clumsy because of great weight, Dull, laborious, or excessively solemn.
    • her footsteps were ponderous
  • Petulance: the quality of being childishly sulky or bad-tempered. 
  • Frailty:  The condition of being weak and delicate. Weakness in character or morals. 
  • Dereliction: The state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated. The shameful failure to fulfill one's obligations. 
  • Shambolic: Chaotic, disorganized, or mismanaged. 
    • Argentina team looked shambolic after their two draws in a row. 
  • Foible:  A minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character: 
    • they have to tolerate each other's little foibles
  • Gaunt: lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age. 
    • Bill Maher looked gaunt. - Trump tweets
  • Lackadaisical lacking enthusiasm, carelessly 
  • Crass: witless, thoughtless, lacking intelligence/sensitivity/refinement. (Neuer's comment on Ramos penalty miss was crass
  • Deranged: man, insane; deranged Danaerys ransacked the city to ashes after their surrender
  • Ignominy: public shame or disgrace
    • Bangladesh batting suffered the ignominy of treating a capacity crowd to just four boundary. 
  • Stigma: the mark of disgrace associated with particular i) event, ii) circumstance, iii) quality, iv) person.
  • Delinquent: failing in one's duty.
                          Delinquent accounts (in arrears)
                          Delinquent person (offender specially child/juvenile)
  • Rakehell/Rake: profligate, a dissolute person.  
    • He was proud of being a rake.   
  • Steadfast: Resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering: steadfast loyalty.  
    • He needs to remain steadfast to save the test match
  • Meretricious: apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity.
Wrecking something up
  • Founder: fill (a ship) with water and sink:  
    • "six drowned when the yacht foundered off the Florida coast". 
    • Fail or break down (a plan or undertaking) typically as a result of a particular problem or setback. "Though more people said he would fail, though his marriage foundered, though support was rare, he continued to struggle."
  • Scuttle an act of deliberately sinking a ship by allowing water to flow into the hull. BCCI scuttles ICL




 Camaraderie, shenanigan, gimmick

  • Camaraderie mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
  • Shenanigan: a devious trick used especially for an underhand (deceitful) purpose.
  • Gimmick: An ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, especially one designed to attract attention or increase appeal. A concealed, usually devious(indirect) aspect or feature of something, as a plan or deal: "An offer that good must have a gimmick in it somewhere."



Depicting mental states:

  • Pistanthrophobia: is the fear of trusting of people due to bad past experience
  • Aibohphobia: fear of palindromes
  • Misophonia: a brain disorder which is the cause of getting angry at people when hearing to them eating of breathing
  • Clinomenia: love of staying in the bed
  • Coprophagia: feces-eating, including eating feces of other species
  • Unfuckwithable: When you are truly at peace and in touch with yourself, and nothing anyone says or does bothers you, and no negativity or drama can touch you.
  • Asphyxiation: suffocation by not allowing to take oxygen. Connolly being asphyxiated by the goon.
  • Nyctophilia:  finding relaxation in darkness or at night
  • Chrysalism: the cozy feeling of watching rain outside while staying indoor
  • Monachopsis: the persistent feeling of being out of place and not fitting in, inability to adapt to the surrounding and feeling like you don't belong
  • Liberosis: the desire of not caring about anything
  • Acatalepsy: the belief that human can never comprehend the universe, there is a limit of human knowledge
  • Sonder: the realization that random passerby is the center of his/her own universe exactly like you
  • Adronitis: the frustating feeling of how long does it take to know a people
  • Xeno: the moment (flirtatious glance, random smile, sympathetic nod, shared laugh) shared between passing strangers
  • Paro: the feeling that no matter what you do is always something wrong 
  • Exulansis: the sense of frustration when you realize that whatever you are explaining is not reaching the people (or they are unable to relate to), so you give up explaining
  • Kuchisabishi: when you are not hungry but you eat because your mouth is lonely

Mindbending experience

  • Epiphany: an experience of sudden striking realization or appearance. mostly used for scientific breakthrough/religious/philosophical discovery. Archimedes' (floating for buoyancy), Newton's (apple fall for gravity), Einstein's (free falling man for general relativity) 
  • Psychedelic: Psyche (mind) + Delos (manifestation) 
  • Delirium: An acutely disturbed state of mind that occurs in fever, intoxication, and other disorders. Wild excitement or ecstasy
  • Clairvoyant: a person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact




Hyper-intensive feelings

  • Shudder: tremble in fear or revulsion
  • Shell shock: psychologically unstable in long exposure to warfare. a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Flummox: perplex someone greatly
  • Subterfuge: deceit used in order to achieve one's goal.  
    • he had to use subterfuge and bluff on many occasions
  • Flabbergasted: surprise (someone) greatly; astonish.  
    • Chris Bishop will be flabbergasted if West Indies declares after the tea break.
  • Spooked: Frighten, unnerve
  • Spurned: Reject with disdain
    • Though he was spurned in his early years of the procession, his self-belief remained undented.
  • Extremely terse: comment by Russ Taylor from JHU

Eponymous words

  • Boycott: (from Boycott) withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest
  • Chauvinism: (from Chauvin) exaggerated or aggressive or prejudiced support for one's own cause, group, or sex
  • Casanova: (from Casanova) a man known for seducing women and having many lover
  • Draconian: (from Draco) excessively harsh and severe
  • Guillotine: (from Guillotin) beheading machine for painless death
  • Lynching: (from Lynch) kill especially by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial
  • Machiavellian: (from Machiavelli) cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics
  • Platonic: (from Plato) intimate love or friendship, affectionate but not sexual
  • Quisling: (from Quisling) traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country
  • Ritzy: (from Ritz) expensively stylish
  • Sadism: (from Sade) the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others
  • Silhouette: (from Etienne Silhouette) the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background, especially in dim light


Clout trout: fishing for a clout (becoming famous or person who commands influence).  Jon Jones is clout trout

the action of getting rid of a troublesome or unwanted person or thing. David riddance of two students.

Pamper: indulgence in affection

Unrequited: not returned/rewarded

Double book -  reserve (something, especially a seat or a hotel room) for two different customers or parties at the same time

Toddy: wine or fermented drops

Diaspora: dispersion, movement, migration, or scattering of people away from an established or ancestral homeland. "Ghalib is popular amongst diaspora communities around the world."

Gnaw: to bite or chew on, especially persistently. to cause corrosion, constant distress. His mistake is gnawing at his conscience.

Expletive: an exclamation or swearword; an oath or a sound expressing an emotional reaction rather than any particular meaning. "Know to throw in a dozen Bengali expletives."

Nab: catch doing something wrong. A perpetual fraudster was nabbed by rab.

Dwarf: "Earthquake near Dhaka, the crowded capital, could dwarf other modern tragedies."

Stone-wall: Delay or block (a request, process, or person) by refusing to answer questions or by giving evasive replies, esp. in politics. "Let me know if anyone stone-wall you."

Moot: Subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty, and typically not admitting of a final decision. "MC cannot complete the transfer for a mooted signing."

Brave: Endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behavior) without showing fear: "we had to brave the heat". "Dravid managed the team braving hostile conditions."

Propound: Put forward (an idea, theory, or point of view) for consideration

Concussion: Temporary unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head. Also, loosely, aftereffects such as confusion or temporary incapacity. A violent shock as from a heavy blow. "Taylor sustains concussion. he cannot carry on the business."

Construe: Interpret (a word or action) in a particular way. Analyze the syntax of (a text, sentence, or word).

Divisive: Tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people.

Horrendous: Extremely unpleasant, horrifying, terrible.
He sustained a horrendous accident. It was a horrendous batting display.

Self-immolation: Suicide in a form of extreme protest. China is responding by increasing the financial support to respond the Tibetan self-immolation.

Contrived: Deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously. Giving a sense of artificiality.

Unfettered:  Release from restraint or inhibition.

Coy: reluctant to give details, esp. about something regarded as sensitive.
(esp. of a woman) Making a pretense of shyness or modesty that is intended to be alluring but is often regarded as irritating.

Gargantuan: Elephantine, of big mass. Pietersen lofted a gargantuan six over the head of the umpire.

Dog day: the hot period between early July and early September; a period of inactivity.

Reproach: Address (someone) in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment.

Chimerical: highly improbable; created by or as if by a wildly fanciful imagination. derived from mythical creature Chimera.

Polemic: A strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.
                 The art or practice of engaging in controversial debate or dispute


Treatise: A written work dealing formally and systematically with a subject.

Thrive: to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances - often used with on thrives on conflict

Craggy: (of a person's face, typically a man's) rugged and rough-textured in an attractive way.


Draconian (of laws or their application) Excessively harsh and severe.

Throng: a crowd of people/animal

Gaggle: a disorderly or noisy group of people. "the gaggle of reporters and photographers - Kayleigh McEnany"

Inveterate: long lasted and unlikely to change (habit, interest, activity, etc)

Lynch: kill someone, especially by hanging, for an alleged offence with or without a legal trial

Piebald: an animal is one that has a spotting pattern of large unpigmented, usually white, and normally pigmented patches, generally black. eg, piebald horse


Lingua Franca: bridge language for different native language speakers (common for trade, business), Aramaic was lingua franca once upon a time.

Vernacular: layman language, regional language, language not learned secondly.

Acquiescence: reluctant acceptance

Side burn: a strip of hair side of the face

Placebo: a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect

Parvum Opus: the little work. opposite extreme of 'Magnus Opus'.

Vigorous: strong, contains energy

Predicament: difficult/unpleasant/embarassing situation not uncertain situation

Precarious: uncertain situation, loosely connected and may collapse anytime.

Sardonic: grimly (worryingly) mocking, sarcastic
Snide: derogatory, disparaging (my colleague makes snide remarks about him)

Stoop: lower one's moral standards so far as to do something reprehensible. stoop to begging

Skimpy: revealing, short, less than required, meager. eg, skimpy dress for women

Frilly: used as decoration

Pilfer: steal specially silly thing (of lesser value)

Immolate: kill or offer as sacrifice. Abdullah was to be immolated by Abdul Muttalib.

Volition: power of using one's will (denoting a decision or choice made after deliberation)

Hakuna Matata: no worries (swahili word)

Que Sera Sera: whatever will happen, will happen (Italian)

Schmooze: chat casually (to make social connection/etc)

Underpin: support, justify, or form the basis for.

Flake out: drop out for failing to meet expectation. If he flakes out, then we'd probably be fine


Plumpy: fat in a decent way

Suzerainty: any relationship in which one region or nation controls the foreign policy and international relations of a tributary state while allowing the tributary nation to have internal autonomy.

Ensnare: catch in or as in a trap. "Ensnared by google web."

Fit the bill: to serve or perform adequately, not rightly suited ...

Trip over: to stumble on someone or something. "I tripped over perfect strangers on my way to the door. I tripped on a brick and fell into the wall.
I am tripping over my readings."
if people are tripping over each other in order to get or do something, they are all hurrying to get it or do it
People were tripping over each other to congratulate her.

Unprecedented: Never been done before.

                           handing that kind of responsibility to a coach is unprecedented.

Lay out: To lay out ideas, principles, or plans means to explain or present them clearly, for example, in a document or a meeting. Maxwell listened closely as Johnson laid out his plan.

Binge: a short period devoted to indulging in an activity to excess, especially drinking alcohol or eating. eg forces him to binge all of the books in a day.

Nihilism: the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless, negativity

Musings: a period of reflection or deep thought. "his musings were interrupted by a doorbell"

Assay: determine the content or quality of (a metal or ore). "The basement below the Royal Mint House in Jachymov, Czech is where the first thalers -- the ancestor of Dollars -- were assayed".

Adulation: excessive flattery, fawning 

Iffy, Sketchy, Shady: full of uncertainty, doubtful. "The prospect for classes resuming next Wednesday seems iffy"



Jun 20, 2011

Useful Proverbs

1. bad blood: Ill feelings
bad blood between the cottage owners requires that no two roads intersect.

Jun 19, 2011

Father's Day

Thanks gmail/google for reminding me to call my father. He is not here anymore :(.
I will pray for him instead.

Jun 18, 2011

Basics of Computer Science

1. Foundation of Computer Science
2. Graph Basics

1. Mining Massive Datasets

Bangladeshi wonder kid in chess

Fahad Rahman

Shutruk Nahunte

The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?"

Jun 17, 2011

Beautiful Things by Andain

Andain Rocks :D. I lost the song. Finally, discovered in Pandora after a long time.

Jun 10, 2011


"If you don't see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner." - Zig Ziglar


I just have fallen in love with X-Men. Few days ago I started with "X-Men First Class", the fifth movie on the X-series. I could not help finishing the sequels from the beginning. X-Men, X2, and "X-Men the last stand" rocked as well. "X-men origins: Wolverine", is on the plate now. Waiting for the next prequels as well. I am positive that they won't disappoint me.

This is Java, not C/C++

Some things that are not working in Java. They have different syntax.
1. while(1) { .. } has equivalent while(true) { .. }
2. argv[0] contains the c/c++ executable name so index of the arguments starts from 1
args[0] contains the first argument and so on.
3. string ns(n) has equivalent String ns = Integer.toString(n);
4. string a, b; if (a > b) has equivalent if (a.compareTo(b) > 0) if they are equal it will give
0, if a>b then positive else negative.
5. sting a="hello world"; a[2] = 'e'; has its equivalent StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( s );buf.setCharAt( pos, c );return buf.toString( );
6. double d = static_cast(3); has equivalent double d = (double)3;
7. string s(3.99) has its equivalent String s = Double.toString(3.99);

Jelly fish: complexity revealed

Jelly Fish

Jun 9, 2011

Java simple rule to avoid trouble

As troublesome as the classpath is, you can tame it with a few simple rules. In particular:
Place every class in a package.
Rigorously follow package and class naming and capitalization conventions.
Make sure your package hierarchy matches the directory hierarchy.
Always use the -d option to javac.
Never put anything in jre/lib/ext.
Never put anything in jre/lib/endorsed.
Never put .java files in the same directory as .class files.
Never put any .java or .class files in the current working directory.

One final tip: A lot of time-killing problems with the classpath revolve around simple errors like misspelling a directory name or compiling from the wrong directory. If you just can't figure out what's going wrong, ask a friend or colleague to look at your problem. Often I find I'm too close to the problem to see a bug in my setup that's immediately obvious to anyone else. A second pair of eyes is a very effective debugging technique.

The classpath is certainly not easy, but there is a method to its madness and it is manageable. A bit of care and some attention paid to naming conventions, command-line arguments, and directory structures should enable you to compile and run programs with a minimum of fuss.

Reference 1

Jun 7, 2011

Add the "Call Me" widget

1. Get your Google Voice Number:
2. Forward calls to your cell phone
2.1 Add the number
2.2 Activate the number

Adding the "Call Me" widget to my blog.
3. Go to the gear icon at the top right of the page.
3.1 Go to Voice settings.
3.2 Click the Call Widgets tab.
3.3 Click the Add a new Call Widget link.
3.4 Select the appropriate settings for your widget.
3.5 Click the Save Changes. Then, copy and paste the code in the 'Embed' field into your webpage, your blog, your auction or networking site, or anywhere you want.

Reference 1
Reference 2


1. Make hay while the sun shines.
to do something while the situation or conditions are right

Jun 3, 2011

Satisfaction is like engaging the handbrake and hoping a car moves forward: Tendulkar

Sachin Tendulkar has almost every batting record that is there to be made under his belt but the iconic Indian cricketer says he is still not satisfied with his career as he considers satisfaction the beginning of stagnation. "When you win something or score a century you say you are happy, but not satisfied. Satisfaction is like engaging the handbrake and hoping a car moves forward," Tendulkar told the latest issue of Sky Sports Magazine.

"I am not satisfied yet with my career and what I have done, not at all. I feel the moment you start to feel satisfied, then it is only natural that you begin to cool down and lose it," he explained. Tendulkar reiterated that he is not even thinking of retirement despite completing more than two decades in international cricket. "I still love cricket as much as ever. It is my job, but it is also my passion. Cricket remains in my heart, I don't need anything else to motivate me. I dreamed of playing for my country when I was young and it is still my dream, it is still fun for me," the 38-year-old right-hander said. "Life without cricket is unthinkable," he added.

Tendulkar attributed his longevity and recent success to a stricter fitness regime, not playing Twenty20 Internationals and bowling only sparingly. "I am still learning about the game. I figure something out about my batting all the time, you have to keep your mind open. I learn all the time, those small adjustments, with your footwork or bat swing can improve your game, I love doing that. You never know everything. Mentally that makes you feel so good. That is the best form of preparation," Tendulkar said.

Recalling India's recent World Cup triumph after a gap of 28 years, Tendulkar said when the defining moment of his career finally arrived, he wasn't in the middle of the field wielding his bat, nor was he even on the balcony watching his teammates.Instead, he was on his own in the dressing room, his hands clasped together, his eyes closed as he prayed in silence. He only knew India had won the World Cup when he heard that cathartic roar reverberate around the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai as his captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni hit the winning runs against Sri Lanka. Tendulkar described the experience as "a different kind of feeling, a high, like living on a different planet, it felt as though I was flying." He had waited 22 years for this moment.

For all his personal records - and he boasts the most Test runs and Test centuries, and the most One-Day runs and One-Day centuries - Tendulkar wanted something tangible, a trophy to lift, a medal to wear, and to win something as part of an Indian team. Tendulkar had played in the previous five World Cups, but had fallen short each time. The experience left him feeling "shattered beyond words."

His fellow players too laud the way Tendulkar has sustained himself at the top level.
"It has been fascinating watching the changes in his approach," said teammate Rahul Dravid. "From being a master blaster, he is now a mistake-proof batsman." While he can't control his body ageing, Tendulkar has increasingly sought to exert more control over his mind. "You have to be still in your mind, and keep it blank. It is also important to avoid any needless anger," he said.

"Growing up, I picked up a lot from my father, who never lost his temper, and I tried to follow that, so I don't lose my cool." This impenetrable mask doesn't slip away from the cameras either. "I have never seen him lose his temper in the dressing room, he has never thrown his bat around even when given out wrongly," said Indian pace spearhead Zaheer Khan.
"Maybe he will have an extra bowl of ice cream, and that is when you realise he is pretty upset."

Reference: i-am-not-satisfied-yet-tendulkar

Jun 2, 2011


I was strolling around the JCPenny, Manhattan, NY. I have heard this beautiful song.

Orpheus and Eurydice