Nov 7, 2015

Pursuit of happiness I

  • "The pursuit of meaning is what makes human beings uniquely human. By putting aside our selfish interests to serve someone or something larger than ourselves -- by devoting our lives to 'giving' rather than 'taking' -- we are not only expressing our fundamental humanity but are also acknowledging that there is more to a good life than the the pursuit of simple happiness."  ---Meaningful life vs Happy life
  • "Candide’s quest to find meaning was also a quest for happiness. At a few points in the story, Candide reaches somewhere that should make him happy, but only brings dissatisfaction... When Candide is reunited with his friends and beloved, once again, he should be happy. They’re free from wars, violence, and natural disasters. But they grow restless and bored. It is only when Candide meets a hard-working farmer that he realizes the one thing they need: purpose." - Candide - Voltaire
  • What makes a happy life: the longest study 

Other references: 'I' is the most selfish word

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