Oct 7, 2015

Quote of advices

  1. Take a chill and think for the long term. Pick your battles wisely and it’s not cool to be stupid. It’s cool to do the hard things and stay ahead of the trend

    • - Noah Wintroub, VC, JP Morgan Chase
  2.  Don’t focus on where you’re going. I used to think you needed to know what you wanted to be when you grew up. Turns out, that’s not true. I believe if you work hard and learn the most you can in whatever you’re doing, the next opportunity will reveal itself and you’ll know it when you see it. 
    • - Melanie Whelan, CEO, Soulcycle
  3.  Focus on building knowledge, experience and confidence first. Rewards will come later.- Karen Meng, Managing Director, Bank of America
  4.  When I was 20 I was in such a rush, but almost everything worth doing takes time—from growing gardens to building companies. Plan for the long haul. 
    • - Chris Wanstrath, CEO, Github
  5.  Listen more and talk less. 
    • - Jullian Steinberg, Cofounder, Alliance Consumer
  6. Don’t stress so much. The hardest moments of your life in your 20s will provide some of the greatest lessons that will come in handy later. 
    • - Stacy Brown Philpot, COO, Taskrabit
  7. I would actually say to sweat the small stuff, to think about the details. They can change outcomes in a pretty significant manner. 
    • - Anand Swaminathan, Accenture
  8. I have come to believe that a person can truly just have one obsession at any given point in time. So, I’d encourage my 20-year-old self to not try to do too much, but focus on just one thing at a time and do it well. I have found that having a singular focus is extremely liberating, as it allows you to ignore everything else and spend all your time and energy on just one thing. 
    • - Apoorva Mehta, CEO, Instacart
  9. Don’t worry so much about where the path is going. Enjoy the journey and embrace the fact that pure recreation is productive in the long term. 
    • - Michael Dublin, CEO, Dollar Shave Club
  10. Take big risks. I wasted too much time doing what I thought I was supposed to do. 
    • - Reshma Saujani, CEO, Girls who code
  11. Take big swings, don’t bet more than you are prepared to lose and don’t be so afraid to fail – it’s a necessary stop on the path to success. 
    • - Jared Kushner, CEO, Kushner Company
  12. A broad experience pays off. Be curious. - Ashifi Gogo, CEO, Sproxil
  13. Working the hardest is more important than being the smartest. 
    • - Jason Robins, CEO, Draftkings
  14. Everything that you think is the end of the world right now won’t even matter to you in two years. 
    • - Ronda Rousey, UFC Batnam Champion  
  15. Try to have some fun. Life is about to get a lot harder… 
    • Meghna Suryadevara, VP Finance, GM
  16. Find a life partner better than yourself. I would not be where I am without my wife Srishti. 
    • - Vas Narsimahan, Novartis

Take out: Hardwork (33%), Focus(25%), Risk(10%), Experience(10%), Others

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