Jul 11, 2012

DjVu or DeJaVu?

Whenever I see a document in the internet in the format of "djvu", it gives me the sensation of dejavu and I avoid downloading that. The mystery is divulged today:
"DjVu is a document format, a set of compression methods and a software platform for distributing scanned and digitally produced documents on the Web. DjVu image files of scanned documents are typically 3-8 times smaller than PDF or TIFF-groupIV for bitonal and 5-10 times smaller than PDF or JPEG for color (at 300 DPI). DjVu versions of digitally produced documents are more compact and render much faster than the PDF or PostScript versions."

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Down with the Dictatorship!

    "Let them hate me, so that they fear me" - Caligula 41AD