May 30, 2012

Important advice from Tomasz's blog

Be fearless. Ask dumb questions. Alyosha Efros taught me that if you're reading a paper or listening to a presentation, if you don't understand something then there's a good chance you're not the only one in the audience with the same questions. Sometimes younger PhD students are afraid of "asking a dumb question" in front of audience. But if you love knowledge, then it is your duty to ask. Silence will not get you far. Be bold, be curious, and grow wise.

Choose your own papers to present. Do not present papers that others want you to present -- that is better left for a seminar course led by a faculty member. In a reading group it is very important that you care about the problems you will be discussing with your peers. If you keep up with this trend then when it comes to "paper writing time" you should be up to date on many relevant papers in your field and you will know about your other lab mates' research interests.

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